Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adams special Pre-K Graduation!

Little Learners Academy

Front Row: Piper, AshLynn, Luke, Riley Hook, Noah, Regan, Giada, & Devin.
Back Row:  Riley Smith, Morgan, Peyton G (gf), Evie, Adam, Cole, Ava, & Blake.

April 26, 2012 marked the day of Adams special (early) graduation from Pre-Kindergarten.  We will be PCSing to Columbus AFB, Mississippi next week so Adams teachers gave Adam a special early group photo and celebration with his friends.  

He worked hard all year earning stars, staying on "green" almost everyday and recently joining the 100 club!!  It was only fair to let him participate in a mini graduation from Little Learners Academy.  All year he's built awesome friendships with these little guys and I know it's going to be hard for him to say goodbye next week.

It's hard to believe that just a few months ago was Adams first day of school!  In just 9 months he's learned so much!!  He's learned a multitude of songs, stories, learned to read and write his name, read sight words, sing the alphabet backwards, watch caterpillars turn into butterflies, create many works of art, learned "criss cross apple sauce, eggs in a basket, bubble in your mouth, eyes on the teacher," taken coconut the monkey on trips, learned about the solar system, and I'm sure much much more. His teachers Mrs. Amanda and Mrs. Cathy are two of the most wonderful teachers I've ever encountered.  They were 100% dedicated to those kids and did an amazing job this year!  Thank you.  :)

Oh one more thing!  While doing all of the above, he also managed to snag this pretty lady and call her his gf all year long.  The lovely miss Peyton G.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 1 of OTS

     Today marked Johns first day in Montgomery, Alabama for OTS. We all got up early to see him off then it was go go go for the kids and I! Adam and I decided to go grab lunch then head to Destin for the day. We started at the mini golf course where Adam had a good time playing for the first time. I was actually trying and he still beat me on most holes...good for him...bad for me ha! I think its all those lessons John has been giving him in the back yard. He was a natural!

 About halfway through the 18 hole course we approached a big giraffe statue bent over "drinking" water...Adam looks at it, thinks for a minute then says "mommy did you know giraffe don't have butts?" (giggle giggle) No Adam I did not know that! Must be hard for them to sit down ha? We both had a good laugh :)

     He was having such a good time kicking my butt that he more more than happy to entertain my photo happy self, so I got a few good shots of our game of mini golf. :)

     After the royal butt kick we decided that we should go play some arcade games! Adam somehow managed to win 800 tickets with only $10! Every game we played he would win 60, 80, 100 tickets! It was really fun!

     After we kicked butt at the games we cashed in for a few little toys, a water baloon launcher, and some candy.  Then it was time to head home and relieve grammy of Kinley bean.  Adam and I decided we needed to test out the water balloon launcher but that only lasted all of a minute before just attacking each other with over filled "potato balloons!"  An hour later and a yard full of florescent colored grass we were beat and ready for dinner! We convinced Grammy to come with us to Thai food, so we headed to Daddy's!  After dinner we went for a long walk down to the Dollar General.  On the way there and back there was a light drizzle but we decided to just keep going.  Then fight as we were getting back it started pouring! Talk about perfect timing! ;) All in all we had a pretty good day considering we had to say "see ya soon" to daddy this morning.